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Carer Relationships

ANFE Community Care's Carer Relationships program aims to support and maintain relationships between carers and consumers by offering high quality respite services, allowing carers to take a break from their usual caring role.

​The service is aimed at frail older consumers who receive Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) services. 
These consumerswill be offered planned respite, providing carers with a break from their usual caring duties.


There are many models of respite care that carers use to support CHSP consumers.
Carers are often employed, in training or studying and it is difficult to maintain
a work-life balance. 

ANFE Community Care gives consideration to these possibilities and offers to provide respite services outside of standard operating hours to assist carers to balance work, study and caring responsibilities.

Centre-based respite provides structured group activities to consumers to develop,maintain or support independent living and social interaction conducted in a community setting.


Community access group provides small group day outings to give consumers a social experience and offer respite to their carer.





ANFE Community Care  structures its services in such a way that allows them to be as responsive as possible to requests from carers for
short-term or
non-ongoing respite.


For Further information:

© 2025 by ANFE Community Care 

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