All new service users are informed of their rights and responsibilities
(both written and verbally) in their preferred language, allowing them to make informed choices regarding their care.
Further information can be found at:
ENGLISH click here
ITALIAN click here
Terms of Use
All new service users are informed of their rights and responsibilities (both written and verbally) in their preferred language, allowing them to make informed choices regarding their care.
Service users are reminded of their Rights and Responsibilities at the time of reassessment. The staff member performing a reassessment will record that they have reminded the service user of their rights and responsibilities as per the reassessment form.
Some rights and responsibilities which ANFE Community Care (as an organisation) strives to uphold:
To treat service users with courtesy and respect
To provide accurate information and enable service users to make informed choices
To provide a quality service
To welcome feedback, comments and complaints
To protect service user privacy
To support and encourage the independence of service users
Some rights and responsibilities which ANFE Community Care strives to uphold:
To treat staff and volunteers with respect
To inform ANFE Community Care promptly if personal circumstances change
To inform ANFE Community Care of any problems with its services so that corrective action can be taken at an early stage
More information can be found at the Department of Health's Charter of Rights and Responsibilities for Community Care.
For further information:
click here